We inaugurate the Madepark Blog
Welcome! Today we launch a new section in Madepark, it is our blog, we hope it can be useful to you and, of course, to your liking. For our first entry, we will do a short introduction to wood. DEFINITION According to the RAE: Solid part of the trees covered by the bark. Carved piece of wood that can be used for any […]
Bedrooms: from baby crib to children's bed
A crib fits almost anywhere… and then? We prepare the future guest's bedroom with enthusiasm, but in just two years, we will leave the forgotten crib in the storage room, we will give it with relief to a friend in need or we will park it at grandma's house for future guests... Now it's time to think long-term […]
Cork floors… Vintage style is back
Lacquer an old piece of furniture
To lacquer an old piece of furniture, the first thing you have to have is desire. If you don't have a workshop at home, be prepared to buy sandpaper, lacquers, enamels, a roller, buckets... and masking tape. And take a look online to see how a handyman, seemingly effortlessly, turns a destroyed piece of furniture into a worthy piece […]